I first came to know this instrument through my journey into meditation and yoga.
I have used it extensively as a tool for meditation through free flow musical exploration of trance states, both in my personal practice, and in group sound journeys on Elemental Mindfulness meditation nights.
We all experience meditative states all the time naturally throughout the day. When we are walking, daydreaming, playing or listening to music, or even doing the dishes. Its that feeling of “being in the zone”.
Because the handpan has a limited musical scale and one cannot play an out of tune note (provided of course that the instrument is in tune to begin with) it is very easy to achieve a meditative state simply by sitting with and exploring the instrument, even with no prior musical experience.
I recommend this instrument for people who find it challenging to shut off their mental chatter while sitting in stillness using traditional meditation techniques, as it is an active free flowing meditation, and it provides its own mesmerizing soundtrack!